Indoor Advertising

Unveil Verse's advertising prowess – Tailor campaigns, captivate audiences, and track success with precision.
In Progress

Dynamic Campaigns

Tailor your advertising strategy effortlessly with dynamic campaigns. Set flexible schedules, control start and finish dates, and maximize your ad's impact.
In Progress

Geo-Targeting Mastery

Take charge of your ad placements with precision using geolocation targeting. Select specific regions on a dynamic map to ensure your message hits the right spots.
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Demographic Targeting

Craft personalized ad experiences by defining your target audience's demographics. From age to gender, reach the right users with targeted content.

Transparency Through Analytics

Unveil the performance of your ads with proof of play and detailed analytics. Gain transparency and make informed decisions for impactful advertising campaigns.

Interactive QR Codes

Enhance engagement with your audience through interactive QR codes. Offer immersive experiences, track interactions, and gain valuable insights for refined campaigns.

Lead Capture

Capture leads seamlessly with QR code-generated forms. Empower your business to build lasting customer relationships by effortlessly expanding your customer base.

Verse Features

From scheduling to publishing, Verse offers a suite of tools designed to streamline your social media management. Dive in and discover the power of Verse.
In Progress

Post comments/thread

While writing your post, consider adding comments or threads to interact with your audience.
In Progress

Post Conditions

Automate follow-up comments on posts that perform well based on key metrics such as likes and engagement rate.
In Progress

Best time to post

Post when your audience is active and listening.

Are there any of these features missing that you want to get?

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E-commerce Features

Elevate Your E-commerce Game with Verse: The Perfect 'Verse' for Online Success!

Multi-Platform Shop Management

Easily manage your online stores across WordPress, Shopify, Facebook, and Instagram from a single platform, streamlining operations and saving time.

Integrated Analytics Dashboard

Gain insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and marketing effectiveness with comprehensive analytics, empowering data-driven decision-making.

Seamless Order Fulfillment

Automate order processing and fulfillment processes, reducing manual tasks and ensuring timely delivery to customers for enhanced satisfaction.

Personalized Customer Engagement

Utilize customer data to create personalized marketing campaigns, promotions, and product recommendations, fostering stronger relationships and driving repeat purchases.

Supported social platforms










Explore Our App: A Visual Journey

Dive into Screenshots Showcasing Key Features & User Interface
Image of the 'Analytics' dashboard in Verse, a social media manager, displaying engagement and performance metrics across connected accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Verse and how does it work for advertising?
Verse is an innovative platform that simplifies social media management and offers a unique advertising solution through indoor screens. It allows businesses to create, schedule, and publish content seamlessly, reaching a local audience through strategically placed screens.
What are the pricing options for Verse's social management features
Verse offers a free subscription for basic access. For advanced features, we have Pro and Agency subscriptions.
Enterprises can request a custom pricing model based on their specific needs. Explore our website for more details or contact our support team.
Can I use Verse for my personal social media management?
Yes, Verse caters to both businesses and individuals. You can efficiently manage your social media accounts, schedule posts, and utilize advanced analytics to enhance your personal or business presence.
What is the cost structure for advertising with Verse?
Verse offers flexible pricing options, allowing businesses to choose between impression-based or screen-per-day pricing methods. The platform ensures affordability and efficiency in reaching your target audience.
What targeting options does Verse offer for advertising?
Verse provides precise targeting options, including geolocation targeting on a dynamic map, demographic targeting (age, gender), and establishment type targeting. This ensures that your ads reach the right audience in the right locations.
How transparent is the advertising process with Verse?
Verse offers complete transparency in the advertising process. Users can view proof of play (impressions) and detailed analytics, providing insights into the performance of their ads and ensuring accountability in the advertising journey.
Can I create interactive ads with Verse?
Absolutely! Verse allows you to create interactive ads with QR codes, providing an engaging experience for your audience. Track interactions and gain valuable insights to refine your advertising strategy.
How does Verse support businesses in capturing leads?
Verse facilitates lead capture through QR code-generated forms. Businesses can seamlessly expand their customer base by capturing leads and building lasting relationships with their audience.
Can I use Verse for advertising in specific regions or establishments?
Yes, Verse provides geolocation targeting on a dynamic map, allowing users to select specific regions for precise ad placement. You can also target ads based on establishment types, ensuring a tailored approach to your advertising strategy.
How does Verse ensure the security of user data?
Yes! Sensitive data like passwords, and third-party service credentials are encrypted using Bcrypt hashing. Also, it supports 2FA for user authentication.Verse prioritizes user data security. We implement robust measures to protect your information and ensure a secure environment for managing social media accounts and running advertising campaigns.
What kind of analytics does Verse provide for social media management
Verse offers advanced analytics for social media accounts, providing insights into post performance, audience engagement, and overall account growth. These analytics empower users to make data-driven decisions for effective social media strategies.
I still have a question that isn’t answered above
No worries. Please email and we’ll do our best to answer!

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Craft your destiny with Verse, where innovation and triumph converge.